Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Part 1

After a while , living alone tends to get boring. It's been quite some time since I've said a word other than "hi" to a female. It's not like i did'nt try to be friends with them but for some strange unexplained reasons I could never think of anything to say other than "hi." So i decide to stay single. Now i was learning that being single wasn't quite that pleasurable. If only i could have found a way to bring the beautiful words in my head to my mouth then maybe life for me would have been different. Add to that, the fact that im nearing 20 and you can understand that im getting a bit desperate. But now i believe that my unfortunate predicament is about to change.

The computer is a glorious invention of man. It is capable of making a shy unsociable geek like myself seem like a smooth talking stud. It is this tool that i shall now use to help me find a suitable companion. In fact im already in what people call a chatroom right now.

It seem like the people here have very peculiar nicknames. No doubt about their means for decribing themselves. One name strike my fancy. "Pretty." Since im, going to choose someone at random. I might as well choose someone with a pretty name after all; it would be nice if my future mate is of suitable appearance. So now it is time to begin chatting with her. There shall be no more nervousness and incoherent rambling from me. Now I shall be able to think of my answers carefully and i shall be able to check before i send.

chin-chin: hi

i have said it so many times i have practically mastered its use. they should call me master of hi.

Pretty: hello

strange, it must be some kind of variation of the word hi. i shall assume its meaning is the same.

chin-chin: so where do u live?

Pretty: 214 chuvaness street, pacita

chin-chin: i live in 143 amfness street just 3 blocks from where u live

Pretty: imagine that

for a few seconds there i was actually typing spontaneously without thinking. still i wonder what she wants me to imagine. But i really should think about what to say next or should say what type next since im not really saying it. i know. i shall ask her to provide the subject for conversation.

chin-chin: anything you want to talk about?

Pretty: anything's fine with me.

she must have multiple interest and talents to be able to talk about anything. yet the task of providing a topic for conversation has once again fallen on me.

chin- chin: so what is your favorite food?

an inspired question if i may say so myself. what else do all people do but eat. therefore it is safe to assume that she too has a favored recipe.

Pretty: you mean as in place to grab som chow?

that wasn't my expected reply, then again it's better than the classic no which i have heard more times than i would like to remember. or maybe she is just confirming my question in some strange manner. at any rate i must type something now.

chin-chin: yes

Pretty: i love hanging out in McDonalds

now i understand. her favorite food is at McDonalds though why she wants to hang out there i have no idea. hanging is for monkeys. still no one's perfect. and come to think of it the food there is quite good. best to let her know that i, too like Mcdonalds

chin-chin: i also enjoy the food there

Pretty: cool! hey wanna meet there tommorow at lunch?

this is unbelievable. usually females would be running away from me now but this one actually wants to meet me. its seems like my lonely days are about to come to an end. we shall meet tomorrow my Pretty.

chin-chin: good idea

Pretty: whatcha gonna wear?

chin-chin: i shall wear a cap and sun glasses

Pretty: neat. i gotta split now c u den.

Part 2

this is quite exciting. i have not experienced this amount of excitement since turning on my computer last night. its 5 to 12. she'll be here pretty soon.

"excuse me mister but were you the one whom i talked to last night?" said a voice from behind.

i turned my head and was shocked. this wasn't a female but a girl. she was barely 13 and her hair already turned in different colors.

"who are you?"

"im trisha mae tolentino. also known as Pretty in the chatrooms."

the shock on my face was slowly being replaced by a look of confusion though i doubt anyone could tell the difference."dont tell me you were the one i was chatting with last night?"

she let out a smile. "that was me alright. i was wondering watcha were like, but i never thought that i was talking to an antique."

(^%#*!@$ toh ha!!!)

this girl was a little wise for her own good. " well i thought i was talking to an actual full grown chick."

"ewwwww. you thought i was a grown up. yuck.($#@!$#@ tlga toh!!)goodbye mister watever your name is." she shouted

well that didn't go so well. still i actually had a conversation with females and i wasn't shy at all. in fact i just seemed to react naturally. maybe thinking about what to say all the time isn't the best thing to do while talking. i really must do this more often. if only i could do it with a female who is older.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

ahaha. huli!
buang ka talaga!